Why a physical calendar is a great gift for starting a Hebrew New Year for yourself, your loved ones, your employees, and your calendars.
The Diary of an Artist - blog 0008 by Marina Manukian - Designed Calendar 20234-2024
Our habits are changing along with new technologies. Today, more and more we use digital devices to remind and indicate important calendar dates. There are many things to remember and the solution of a calendar on a mobile device is great. There's even an option to share your calendar with a partner and keep up to date on a daily or hourly basis with changes.

The Diary of an Artist - Marina Manukian's blog 0008 - Calendar 2023-2024
Designed and aesthetically pleasing calendar
If a calendar on our cell phones is so efficient, why do we still prefer to print a calendar on paper and hang it on the wall in the office and at home?
There are many reasons, and the first benefit of a printed calendar on paper is accessibility for the whole family at home in case you hang it in the living room. I recommend hanging the calendar in the kitchen or near the front door. These are two places where all family members are present.
A second benefit of a designed calendar hanging on the wall is aesthetics. The calendar I designed has colorful illustrations. The illustrations are portraits of influential women in Israel and around the world. The calendar has 13 pages from September 2023 and ending in September 2024, it contains 13 illustrated portraits. The colorfulness of the calendar refers to the seasons, and includes a palette of cold colors in the autumn and winter seasons and a warm color palette in the spring and summer seasons.
A third advantage of a well-designed calendar, which includes illustrations of strong women in Israel and around the world, is inspirational phrases that each of them said or wrote. Their quotes encourage and reinforce, and add value to family members. Take Maya Angelou, an American poet and author who campaigned for civil rights in the United States: "I believe that every human being is born with talent." In my opinion, this is a strong phrase by Maya Angelou. I added it to the calendar, hoping that one of the parents who receives the child from school with a drawing he scribbled in class uses the quote to reinforce it, because his friends laughed at him because of the drawing.
There are 13 inspiring phrases on the calendar from 13 charismatic and sweeping women leaders, including Israeli leaders: Golda Meir, Hannah Levin, Hannah Senesh and Rachel the poetess. Leaders from all over the world, familiar to us from all times, in addition to Maya Angelou, are: Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Virginia Woolf, Benedetta Barseri, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Marianne Wright Edelman, Amelia Earhart and Mahsa Amini.
Another advantage of the calendar I designed, which contains illustrations of brave women, is the additional educational tool for family members. Through the calendar hanging on the wall at home, family members, especially the young ones, are exposed to female characters in various fields. Our history contains not only a world of male leaders, but also of pioneering women, and they deserve continued public recognition and collective memory.

For more details about the Calendar click here