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Female Power Paintings: From Local Heroine to International Heroine

Updated: Jan 20, 2024

Women breaking barriers in their fields become local heroes who transform into international icons over time and have a Female Power Paintings.

The Diary of an Artist - blog 0013 by Marina Manukian - Role Model Women paintings

This rings true for Golda Meir, Frida Kahlo, Virginia Woolf, and even Benedetta Barzini. A woman growing within her local community, impacting local change that extends beyond familiar boundaries. The most contemporary example from recent times is Inbal Liberman, the local heroine of Kibbutz Nir Am. Rumors of her heroism and that of her team spread beyond Israel's borders, and today, she stands as an international hero. She’s my hero.

The Diary of an Artist  - Marina Manukian's blog 0013 -  Role Model Women paintings

The Diary of an Artist - Marina Manukian's blog 0013 - Role Model Women paintings

Who is Inbal Liberman

Inbal Liberman is a security coordinator in the southern Israeli kibbutz of Nir Am. Hamas, the terror organization, initiated an attack on Israel on 10/7/2023, breaching the country's southern borders. Inbal and her team managed to thwart the attack on Kibbutz Nir Am, and almost none of its members were harmed. Her composure, alertness, and quick response to the attack are acts of bravery that will echo through generations to come.

 Inbal Liberman - Role Model Women paintings by Marina Manukian
Inbal Liberman - Role Model Women paintings by Marina Manukian

Inbal Liberman - A local heroine

Through the tales of heroism of Inbal Liberman, Shifra Buchris, and many other women, my trust in people has been restored. My faith wavered with the outbreak of war, and thoughts of painting people at the onset of war made me apprehensive. I painted and whispered just the Star of David, believing its shape would shield me and those around me. As I heard more and more stories of bravery from seemingly ordinary people, I realized there is still good in this world. Communities began to bond and aid each other; unity and support sprouted from chaos and pain. I saw women fighters, medics, and nurses on the frontline, defending our land with all their might.

I decided to paint Inbal Liberman with all the elements representing her, highlighted in bright yellow, with the sentence Golda Meir said 50 years ago during the Yom Kippur War: "We have no other country." For us, Jews, there's nowhere else to go. The only home we received was the State of Israel in 1948 after the Holocaust in World War II.

Golda Meir and her legacy

I’ve written extensively about Golda Meir and her legacy, and lately, more and more people admire her, perhaps even more than I do. Golda Meir, the first woman in Israel to serve as Prime Minister. The only one until today. And I'm upset for that. Golda Meir, who paved the way for women in top government positions, started in the local community and over time (a bit delayed in my opinion) became an admired figure worldwide.

Golda Meir: "We have nowhere else to go". Role Model Women paintings by Marina Manukian
Golda Meir: "We have nowhere else to go". Role Model Women paintings by Marina Manukian

Women breaking barriers in their fields

A few days ago, I gave a tip to a technician who came to my house. The tip was a pocket notebook I created with a drawing of a pioneering woman and a quote for inspiration. I had eight figures to offer him: Golda Meir, Hannah Szenes, Virginia Woolf, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Maya Angelou, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Amelia Earhart. I asked him which one he preferred as a gift. He replied that he only knew two of the figures I suggested. I was sorry to hear he didn't recognize the others. Now, I understand how important this series of drawings is. It's crucial for people to recognize women who broke barriers in aviation, science, arts, and literature. This Female Power Paintings series holds educational and ethical value. It's suitable for any organization or company seeking to add value to its employees, volunteers, or associates. By assembling a gift package, the organization acknowledges the woman's right to lead, influence, and present role models to the employees. It's an organizational responsibility to provide a valuable gift, not just a need. Contact me to assemble the gift package based on your budget via email:

ROLE MODEL WOMEN paintings as the prestige package
ROLE MODEL WOMEN paintings as the prestige package

Female power and its influence

On Wednesday, 8/11/2023, I was a guest on the internet radio show "Sparks of Consciousness" hosted by Judith Frankel. Together, we engaged in a profound discussion about female power and its impact on the local and global community. We talked about examples of women who inspired me, and out of admiration, I painted their figures. The full recording in Hebrew with the songs I selected can be found in the attached link click here. The podcast version without songs is available on Judith Frankel's YouTube channel. Listen to it here.


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