Publishing an art book was a challenging task for me
Art book "In her head" by Marina Manukian
Why was I so insistent on publishing "In Her Head"? To print it, invest many hours in writing, editing, formatting, designing and printing? The main reason is to documention.

The Diary of an Artist - Marina Manukian's blog 0006 - My first Art Book
Do we live in a digital world?
True, we live in a digital world. Spend hours on computer and mobile phone screens. I myself commit a sin and draw at graphic software. Not on paper, not with oil or acrylic paints. Only on a computer, with a digital pen, brushes that simulate reality and mixing a color palette, just like in reality.
There are endless possibilities in the digital world, endless techniques and simulations. The whole Anatural project was revealed for the first time in digital social networks. Every day, starting January 2022, a new portrait of a woman choosing natural adolescence has been uploaded on Facebook and Instagram. The exposure on social media was an experiment for me. I researched people's comments (the amount of likes on each portrait, comments, and shares). At the same time, I also researched the style of the project and began to develop a method to paint the portrait quickly in order to meet the deadlines I set for myself.

Social change through art
The Anatural project is a social project. It's goal is to change a negative perception of adolescent women who choose to accept the natural changes in their bodies and do not try to hide them. Do a test in your environment. Sort out how many women with gray hair on their heads you know. One? Two? Or not at all? Well, there were no models in my environment either, women who are complete with their looks and don't chase youth. That's why I decided to initiate a project to show that there are such women, and we should take an example from them and turn them into role models.
Still printing books today?
During this year I painted almost a hundred portraits of inspiring women. A rare collection of portraits has been created, and all of it can only be found on social media. And what stands out most about digital social networks? Post validity. They are relevant to that moment, the same hour or day or the maximum of a week. Facebook and Instagram are encouraged to generate more and more new posts otherwise the profile page's visibility will decrease. What other digital option do I have? Set up a website and display the portraits illustrated there. And so I did. I opened an online gallery where you can see almost the entire collection and buy the paintings you like.
At the same time, what interests me is to create conversations at family dinners, social gatherings or business events. When the book is placed on a coffee table in the living room, in a private library at home or displayed in the waiting lobby of the offices, there is no escape and leaf through it, browse and dive into the illustrated project.
Document and preserve for future generations
Printed art books are powerful. They have a memory that is saved. Documentation in books has always existed and will not disappear anytime soon. The digital world is temporary and rapidly changing, while the tangible world comes to preserve the old and what was. That's why I insisted on printing the art book "In her head". To document, to collect and to preserve the first year of the Anatural project. There will be years to go ahead of the project. There is still a long way to go to change social norms.

The technical description of the book "In her head" First edition
Cover: Hard
Size: 24 x 30cm
Printing: Colorful
Number of pages: 120
Bilingual: Hebrew and English
Glossy White Paper: 170 gram
A connection between the pages: Sewing
Editor: Shahar Pinto
Graphic editor: Adi Mendel English translation: Ilana Dalva Printing: Ravgon printing and packaging ltd