Magnet Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The quote in English: "Fight for the things that you care about."
The quote in Hebrew: "שופט המושבע להכריע ללא משוא פנים אינו יכול להציע תחזיות
או רמזים."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a Jewish born in Brooklin New York in 1933. She was a lawyer and judge at the Suprem Court of USA. She was the second female justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the role model woman for girls and boys, women and men.
Graphic illustration
Magnet Ruth Bader Ginsburg painting with quote
Size of magnet is 14x17cm with high-quality color printing.
International: 14-20 business days
Domestic Israel: 7-14 business days